AP CS A classes moving at an average or above-average pace will do FracCalc towards the end of the first quarter of the year.

The FracCalc project is a fraction calculator allowing users to perform arithmetic operations on fractions and get fractions as output (instead of decimals).

The project can be solved in 250-300 lines of Java code, though students often write much more verbose solutions. The canonical version of the project is divided into 3 checkpoints and a final submission.

Your assignment is to complete FracCalc using the following resources:

  1. Frac Calc Student Guide.docx (available in the AP CS curriculum and included here for convenience)
  2. Starter Project files
  3. The FracCalc Demo video

As you work, you should implement the project as though you are a first quarter AP CS A student.  That means you will not have learned a number of topics that you might want to use in this project.  Students completing this project will be familiar with:

Be sure not to use any concepts that students will not have encountered by the end of unit 3 in your implementation.  Use the test suite included in the Start Project files to assess your own progress.