Access Curriculum (AP CSP - PLTW)

To get access to the PLTW curriculum, you need to create an account with PLTW.

  1. Go to and select Create Account. At the bottom, select Teacher as the "role that best describes you". 
  2. You should then get an email prompting you to verify your email; do that! 
  3. You can now sign into your account (NOT as a student!), but it won't have any courses yet.
  4. Complete this form. (You'll need the PLTW username you just created, and your school's and classroom teacher's names.)

TEALS will then approve your account for access to teacher materials, and you should get another email from PLTW inviting you to join the TEALS Volunteers PLTW Access Account.

Important! If you do not receive access to the curriculum in a timely manor (no more than a week), reach out to your Regional Manager right away to ensure you get the access you need to be successful.