Intro to Course, TAP, Inquiry & PBL - (AP CSP - UTeach)

Welcome to the UTeach CSP training for TEALS volunteers. The bulk of this training is focused on the philosophy of our Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach and the two programming environments utilized in the course. However, another important aspect is the curriculum itself. On the next page you will explore the UTeach CSP Teacher Access Portal (TAP) and get a sense of all the resources provided. Most of our materials are housed in Google Drive in order to allow for teachers to build upon our work as opposed to being limited by what we have. 

We manage access to the Google Drive materials with a Google Group which you should be added to already. If you have trouble accessing the materials while logged into your google account please let us know ASAP at

Note: you will not need to use the google group in any other way, all communication from UTeach is either through our Piazza forum (we'll discuss that later) or this canvas course. The group is only used to manage materials access.

Welcome to UTeach CSP!


The UTeach CSP Teacher Access Portal (TAP) is where you can find all of the resources that will help you implement the UTeach CSP course. Preview the video below and let us know if you having difficulty accessing any of the materials.




After watching the video below, continue through the following series of videos to learn more about what we mean when we talk about PBL. 

We will then introduce you to the Buck Institute for Education (BIE) and encourage you to look at various resources available on their site. You'll finish this module by addressing a few prompts in a discussion and replying to your colleagues.

We will continue to discuss PBL throughout this course and unpack what this means specifically in UTeach CS Principles.



The following videos will introduce you to the pedagogy of PBL from a few experts. As you watch the videos, please pay careful attention to how this approach might be the same or different from your current practice.






In this next series of videos we focus a bit more on CS and teachers new to PBL. As you watch these videos make notes of any topics that you would like to discuss with your peers at the end of this module.